monochrome - définition. Qu'est-ce que monochrome
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est monochrome - définition

Monochromaticity; Monochrome color; Monochromatic colors; Monchrome; Achromic; Achromaticity; One color; One colour; Achromatization; Achromatize; Achromatizes; Achromatized; Monochromic; Monochromatic; Monochromatic colour; Achromatisation; Monochromatic color
  • Color monochrome: [[night-vision device]]s usually produce monochrome images, typically in shades of green.
  • Example of a monochromatic color scheme
  • 1889 Exposition Universelle]]
  • Monochromatic [[color gradient]] on [[color wheel]]
  • A Philips branded [[digital audio player]] with a monochrome display with green backlit, common on older such devices including mobile phones and handheld game systems
  • A photograph of a [[macaw]] rendered with a monochrome palette of a limited number of shades

<graphics> Literally "one colour". Usually used for a black and white (or sometimes green or orange) monitor as distinct from a color monitor. Normally, each pixel on the display will correspond to a single bit of display memory and will therefore be one of two intensities. A grey-scale display requires several bits per pixel but might still be called monochrome. Compare: bitonal. (1994-11-24)
¦ noun representation or reproduction in black and white or in varying tones of only one colour.
¦ adjective (of a photograph or picture, or a television screen) consisting of or displaying images in black and white or in varying tones of only one colour.
monochromic adjective
C17: based on Gk monokhromatos 'of a single colour'.
A monochrome film, photograph, or television shows black, white, and shades of grey, but no other colours.
...color and monochrome monitors.
= black and white
ADJ: usu ADJ n
A monochrome picture uses only one colour in various shades. old monochrome etching of a brewery.
ADJ: usu ADJ n



A monochrome or monochromatic image, object or palette is composed of one color (or values of one color). Images using only shades of grey are called grayscale (typically digital) or black-and-white (typically analog). In physics, monochromatic light refers to electromagnetic radiation that contains a narrow band of wavelengths, which is a distinct concept.

Exemples de prononciation pour monochrome
1. monochrome, fully monochrome, all in integer mathematics.
2. So thank you, Monochrom.
3. with those old monochrome displays.
Open Source Chrome Browser Mission _ Jay Trimble _ Talks at Google
4. The exhibition was for monochrome pictures.
My Wild Photography Journey _ Ilan Horn _ Talks at Google
5. Monochrome displays talking to IBM mainframes.
Open Source Chrome Browser Mission _ Jay Trimble _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour monochrome
1. Looking at it in monochrome shows a striped pattern.
2. One shows real–time monochrome pictures of the outside.
3. What I‘m trying to say is that it is wrong to paint everything in a monochrome.
4. They loom large in monochrome: black on white killings, fitfully sketched on CCTV.
5. Top tip for the season "Minimal and monochrome is key – think early 1''0s.